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Behind every breakdown in society is a broken family. Behind every broken family is a broken dysfunctional man.

If we can heal the man, we'll heal our society - "What walks in the father's, runs in the children."


Dysfunctional men are the root cause of the challenges we see in society today. Whether it's violence, anger, neglect or addiction to drugs, alcohol or pornography, men are unable to function as partners, husbands and fathers because of their dysfunctions. Some dysfunctions were learnt from an early age, others due to circumstances in life.


If man is the problem, then Man is also the SOLUTION to restoring our communities and families.


In Aotearoa, New Zealand, we record some of the highest statistics in crime, suicide, and prison inmates per capita amongst first-world countries. Read the real stories of how Man Up is changing these statistics here.


With our prison populations ever increasing and with a government that continues to throw taxpayers' money to house, incarcerate and rehabilitate dysfunctional men. Through Man Up, men make positive decisions to remain drug-free, alcohol-free, and smoke-free, make a firm commitment to their partners and families, and become positive role models by taking responsibility.


We aim to restore men to their true identity and become better fathers, husbands, spouses, business owners, employees and contributors to our society.

about man up
nelson & TASMAN

Man Up is a 10-week program that will help you identify, expose and understand the core root issues of why we men experience our dysfunctions.


Our purpose is to provide men with the platform to OPEN UP not harden up for men to receive healing, restoration and stability in their situations.


Man Up groups operate across Nelson and Marlborough covering Richmond, Stoke, Tahunanui, Nelson and Blenheim. 


We have received worldwide interest from Europe, the USA, Africa and the Pacific Island nations to take Man Up to their countries.


When you join Man Up, you join a brotherhood that will guide and support you through the 15 weeks and beyond.

MANUP Nelson Director

Seta Sauira is the local director of MANUP Nelson.


Of Fijian decent, Seta is a highly respected man, husband, father and leader throughout the Nelson Marlborough region.


With a burning passion to see men free from the debilitating struggles we face in life today, Seta is actively involved in the lives of men and families to see them reach their full potential.


Seta is a proud father of 3 children and is happily married to Leba. Seta lives in Nelson New Zealand. 

Nelson Office

75 Pascoe Street​



Phone: +64277066444

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